Restart Recharge Podcast

409 - Game On! Innovative School Competitions for Teacher Training

Forward Edge Season 4 Episode 9

In this exciting episode, join Matthaeus Huelse and Katie Ritter as they learn more about "Tech Madness", a thrilling tech competition that transformed professional development into a battleground of innovation and skill. Discover how our instructional coaches Alyssa Faubion and Jordan Petri turned a friendly contest into a powerhouse of learning, motivation, and community building among educators. We discuss what makes this a success across multiple rural districts, and how Alyssa and Jordan kept engagement high throughout the competition. Fair warning, there may be some trash-talking in this episode!

Whether you're an educator looking for a spark of inspiration or simply in love with the idea of gamification in professional growth, this episode is for you. Our guest offer actionable tips that could change the way you approach teaching and coaching in your building. And if you are looking for an easy starting point, check out the template that Jordan created and feel free to use it for your own "Tech Madness!"

Get your own FREE Template:
Tech Madness!

Let Alyssa and Jordan know about your own Tech Madness!

Twitter: @JordPetri
Instagram: @JordPetri

Twitter: @farmerfaubs
Instagram: @farmerfaubs

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Calling all Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Specialists, Teachers on Special Assignment, or whatever they call you. I'm Matthaeus Huelse. And I'm Katie Ritter. As Instructional Coaches, we are often responsible for our own professional learning and can sometimes feel pretty isolated in our role. That's why we're here, bridging the gap with a wealth of tips, tricks, and building a community of coaches. So hit the restart button with us. Recharge your coaching batteries. And hopefully you'll leave feeling just a little bit less on your own coaching island. Welcome back to Restart Recharge, dear listeners. Are you a competitive person? How about outsmarting your colleagues in a friendly contest? Today, we are going to take a look at a tech competition that brought out the best in teachers and staff. We're here to hear from the organizers who crafted a competitive PD experience that got teachers fighting for bragging rights while also expanding their skill set. Joining us today we have two guests, Alyssa Faubion and Jordan Petri. They are both former teachers turned instructional design coaches here with us at Forward Edge. So I have the pleasure of introducing Alyssa, or as she has recently completely rebranded, all but legally changed her name to Farmer Fobbs. She has 10 years of teaching experience in both middle and high school classrooms as a digital media teacher. She is now, like we said, a coach here with us at Forward Edge, and she is our resident Farming expert on the team. Naturally, it comes with the name. She helps teachers learn about AI and integrating it into their classrooms. Most recently, presenting for school AI during the AI showdown in San Diego. Alyssa is also one of the founding members of the EdgeU Guardians, which has really taken social media by storm. So I'll just kind of leave that there. I'm sure we'll talk about it a little bit, Alyssa, but more to come for our listeners on that. So welcome, Alyssa, for the first time. Hey, guys. And I have the pleasure of introducing Jordan Petri. She taught elementary before jumping on the coaching train, and she is now a Google certified trainer with a passion for personalized and inclusive learning. She is the content creator for Edu Badges and finds joy in her free time with her adorable dog, Luca. Welcome, Jordan, for the first time. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Yeah, we are excited to dig in with you both. And just some, I guess, kind of additional background info for our listeners. Both of you are coaches at pretty rural school districts. So just kind of keeping that in mind for our listeners as they kind of think about this. And I'm, I'm just going to kind of set the stage and I'm going to turn it over to you too. I don't want to spoil kind of your, your thunder here, but so we were recently talking at a team meeting and these guys shared with two other coaches on the team. shared this amazing competition that you all orchestrated between three different rural school districts that are all, like, relatively close to one another. They would, kind of, you know, be like athletic rivalries and different things. So you all Coach at different schools and you pulled these three school districts together in this really fun competition. So I'm just going to turn it over to you all. And Jordan, I might start with you on this question only because I know you kind of kicked it off year one with your teachers. Yeah, so the competition is called Tech Madness. It goes along with, obviously, March Madness, basketball, that whole competition is already happening. So it was kind of easy to slide something else in there, but just make it tech. I kind of was coming from a place of having limited professional development time. I had maybe a couple days here and there but I was looking for some things to do in between those and that wouldn't really take that much, you know, lift on the teacher's part. I got some feedback that they really like to do like fun seasonal challenges and And that they get a lot out of those. And so I kind of got a little crazy on Canva and Easy to do. yeah, yeah, that's what, that was one of the things I really dove into my first year coaching. And it was really fun to get creative with Canva. So I made basically, it looks like a basketball court for March Madness. And then there are little kind of location pins around the court based on, you know, where you might be shooting from. And then when you click on the pen, it takes you to a link to another slide that is like a challenge. So whether that's a one point challenge or a three point challenge, and some of the challenges were really small. Like it might be just like use a QR code in your classroom for something creative, or here's how to take the ads out of your YouTube videos, things like that. And then three points might be like, use Canva to make something for your classroom. And then I know Alyssa added in this year, it was a half point or a half court shot for five points that was like, collaborate with your coach on any of these things. So they could earn a certain number of points for doing different tech things. They would easily submit it through a Google form that they either did this thing, or they would give us the link of what they created, things like that. And then basically I just tallied up the points and. When I did it the first year, I had it just a competition among teachers. So like they would earn a gift card or they would earn something free from their building if they got a certain number of points. But then Alyssa came to me this past year. She's a big like basketball star. So she wanted to do something for March Madness. I kind of told her what I was doing. And she, she kind of helped me take it to the next level and make it a competition between schools even. So it's been really exciting and really fun to get creative with it. And I know the teachers are really into it. And hopefully we can just keep making it bigger. Yeah, and before, Alyssa, before we go to you on this Jordan, what was your main motivation, like when, when you initially, right, like you wanted to do something fun and themed, sure, but what was like that underlying motivation that you had as a coach in your first year at this particular district to launch some sort of competition in the first place? I think I had a couple. First being like, I just wanted my teachers to try different things. And these, this was like a really like low lift way for them to try little bits of tech and that kind of made them a little bit more confident with trying other, you know, maybe bigger tech. It was also kind of getting people to work with me. It was motivating. If they wanted to earn points and try different things, they might need a coach to help them do that.

So it was a little bit of:

getting to know them, getting to know me, scheduling some time, getting to work with me, and then it was also just getting them to try in the first place because I think a lot of things came after that once they're like, Oh, I can make a QR code, you know, maybe I can do this next thing after that. Good confidence builder for your teachers Yeah, it was a confidence builder and like, it got, everyone got to know each other a little bit while having a little bit of fun and , it was a good time. Good. And then Alyssa, so, so you heard Jordan talking about like, hey, I did this last year and you were like, I'm jumping in. So talk us through what was, you know, what was your motivating factor for wanting to get your teachers involved and make it like a multi district competitor? Because then you pulled in a third district too. So, we were actually sitting at a meeting, and I think Tyler had highlighted that New Richmond had, you know, done a couple of these different things, and one of them was Tech Madness, and Jordan was sitting next to me, and I was like, Jordan? Let me have it. And so, that, Canva design was amazing. And so then, I was like, Jordan, Well, one on one, you know, my district versus your district, and she's like, I'm game. And then we walked out and we looked at Michael and, you know, Michael's at Felicity. And so we're all three rivals. And so we're like, Michael, game on. And so that's kind of how it all started. And then we just kind of ran with it. And I think a major focus was like Jordan said being able to have them dive into, you know, the one pointers, the layups, the free throws but also learn some new things, but then maybe be able to review some of the things that we've gone through throughout the year. So, it was a really cool thing. Good job, Jordan. So what did, and I know Jordan, you talked about it a little bit, and then you shared, Alyssa added the half court shot to actually collaborate with the coach to do something. What are maybe some of the other types of tasks that you had this year? Were they, were they some of the same ones as last year, or did you have new tasks this year? So a couple of the one pointers were like to create a create Google Forms. Some of them have been from last year, and then, you know, definitely concentrating on the uses of AI this year. But, you know, a couple of the two pointers were how to use, you know, Magic School to generate lessons tuning into the Forward Edge webinar was another one. Three pointers were to use like Canva, Curipod, School AI with your students. And then the half court shot was to be able to either, you know, co teach with your coach or, you know, create a lesson. So I know for me, just really, you know, I wanted them to go through their different tools, but I also wanted to promote like, You know, let's, let's meet, let's dive into creating something, or let me come in and help in, into your classroom. So that was a big, big win was schedule that half court shot, but then also you might be able to knock out some other points at the same point, so. Yeah, and then just more of like logistically if other coaches are listening and their wheels are spinning on how they could do something similar How did you actually track the points for the work that the teachers did especially with like multi district? competition element Yeah, so we had, like, one Google form that we all collaborated on, kind of broke it out into sections where they would first select their district, and then based on that it would take them to the rest of the form where they can complete what they've worked on, they can submit any links or screenshots or anything That shows that they did it. And then we each went in there and kind of tracked our own district's points. And we, it's part of the Canva template as well as the last slide is like the scoreboard. So they can always link and click on the scoreboard and see what the updated points. And we would go in there and update them, you know, every day, every couple of days. And yeah, it got really, really high for Alyssa up there, but we kept the points going up. It's okay. Okay. We're gonna have to post pictures of that Shout out to Jordan for actually creating that. So that was awesome. Yeah, and in case anyone's not like watching a video clip of that, Jordan, do you want to describe the trophy? Yeah, since it was between a few districts this time, we're like, we need a prize that's really cool and that gives them like some bragging rights. So we got this gold basketball that. It's custom with, it says like, Digital Dunk, Tech Madness winner, presented by Forward Edge. So, our plan is to continue this, and hopefully the basketball can be passed around and doesn't just stay at Bethel the next few years. But that's like, whoever gets it, gets it. gets to be the champion. I love it. Win back the trophy. And I'm, well, I'll save that question for later. Go ahead, Matthaeus. Well, I want to go back to some logistics again. So how long did everybody have to get points in this competition? So we made it a two week competition. We kind of tried to align it with March Madness, but then we also had Spring Break. And we didn't want it to be too long because we didn't want to, you know, people to lose interest or to lose, you know, site of getting those points and working with us. We wanted it to just be a short little competition, but long enough to kind of get some good learning in there. So it's been two weeks and that's been working for us. Yeah, and you kept them excited still for two weeks, and for two weeks teachers were looking for opportunities to get points and to learn something new, and that's really cool. Did you do anything to keep them engaged? How did you keep the two week energy level up for everybody? Well, I will say Alyssa did a really good job of this at her site, just her personality in general. But one of the things that I did that got my teachers kind of motivated was I would frequently give shoutouts to people who We're participating, we're getting lots of points. I might send out an email saying like, these people are rocking it, and here's what they did, and it's really cool. And then I would notice after I would send those out, there would be like a little spike in, in participation that day. So I just kind of kept going with those and got, got my people motivated. But I know Alyssa can talk about a lot of the things she did too. Hey, it's exactly what I did. We have we call her Little Miss MVP at our, at our K2 building. She got everybody going because, you know, when K 2 buildings, they get the incentive to wear jeans. If they win, they're all in and so I was able to go and talk smack to other buildings because at the beginning, it was just like a district to district competition, but like, I was like, you know, I'm going to keep track of building points. So I'd go to each building and start talking smack like, like, Hey, the K 2 building is, you know, It's kicking butt over there. So then the three, five building would pick it up a little bit. And then the high school, you know, teachers, they'd be like, Oh, we're not letting them, you know, take over. So then it became like a little bit of a, , in district rivalry. And so another thing is just like bringing the energy and having this like as a gamification kind of thing. And that scoreboard was always pushing it out. Like every couple of days, like here's a scoreboard. And, and I would always tell them, cause we, we were up by a lot, but You know, New Richmond and Felicity, they could be having some, some buzzer beaters that that's what happens in March Madness. So we didn't know if they were just going to all submit like on Thursday or Friday. I had to keep them going. So I went full coach mode. So that's kind of how we kept that energy going. Our admin were great. We had them participating in it. So, you know, I have some hype videos, had to send it to them. So that's how we got to, you know, keep that energy up. Yeah, it sounds like what I'm taking from that is a lot of trash talking helps get people excited, but it sounds like I'm an athlete. I can't help it. Yeah. feel like Alyssa had an unfair advantage being a basketball coach in the past. So Yeah, when you said coach earlier, I wasn't sure what you meant by that. Instructional coach, or like, you had to cross out the basketball coach. Yeah, I went basketball coach mode. Yeah. Yeah That's funny. Jordan I feel like There's a little bit of resentment for you bringing Oh, how, how would you get that? Yeah, no, not at all. Oh, that's funny. So, I'm curious, I guess just like thinking a little bit deeper, like I think building confidence is great. I think building these relationships is great. What kind of impact do you guys think that for those teachers who did try something new, maybe they told you, maybe you observed it, just kind of walk around the buildings, but like what kind of impact do you think like this fun little challenge was seemingly like a lot of really non threatening entry points for teachers to get involved and try new things? Like how do you think that actually translated to the classroom? I'll start with that one. I'll tell you one success story. Is that , if you use Curipod with your students, You know, you got three points. And so I have this, you know, she's a, she's an older teacher and, and first grade and, you know, little miss MVP was telling her, her, her team members, like you need to do all of these so we can win. And, you know, she was like, you know, okay, you know, I'll, I'll dive in. So she, She created her first Curipod, and then she invited me to come and help her, and now she's used like four to five different Curipod lessons , from then to now, and you talk about like just this little piece of tech about us being so successful. Now she's like spreading the Curipod madness with other people. So just like those little things, that's a big win in my book. If she came away with one thing and she was able to use it with her students and continue that, like that's what coaching is all about. So that was a big win for me. you taught her how to fish. And just like a really quick summary of what Curipod is. Like, why is it so great? Why is that such a big win that she's using it with kids multiple times? Now, what is Curipod? What does it do? So Curipod is you know, you can create interactive lessons using AI. And so it is definitely like that whole class engagement. And so they were working on math. And so the kids were able to use like the whiteboard to draw like their math blocks and all those different things. So it's a whole class interactive piece. So she was really excited because the piece that they had to submit for Tech Madness was the results page. So they actually had to do this with their students. And so that was so yeah, Curipod is an AI interactive tool where you can make lessons, you know, very quick and have your students interact with that piece. Okay, awesome. We will take a really short break hand it over to our sponsors, and then we'll be right back. Calling all instructional coaches! Join Forward Edge for Coaches Camp in summer of 2024. Coaches Camp is packed with high quality professional development exclusively for you. Attendees will work with like minded coaches on creating strategies for building teacher relationships, executing coaching cycles, and building a culture of coaching and tech integration within their school district. There are two opportunities to attend Coaches Camp in the summer of 2024. You can either join us virtually July 22nd through 24th. Or come to Cincinnati on July 29th and 30th. Please visit forward edge. net slash coach camp to reserve your spot today. Unlock the full potential of instructional coaching with Forward Edge, your partner in professional growth. Instructional coaches play a vital role in supporting teachers, students, and administrators across the district. And research consistently highlights coaching as a powerful catalyst for improved teacher instruction and enhanced student achievement. But here's the question. Who's supporting the coach? Enter Forward Edge, your dedicated ally in professional development. Our flexible mentorship options, recognized by the ISTE Seal of Alignment, are tailored to meet your unique needs as an instructional coach. So ready to elevate your coaching journey? Visit to explore how we can empower you with the knowledge and support you need. Start your journey with us today! We are back again here with Alyssa and Jordan talking about a really, really cool project they have done where they had teachers interact for points compete with each other, learn new tricks. And yeah, we were just kind of asking a couple more questions about that. One of the things that I wanted to hone in a little bit more and I wanted to learn more about is you had incredible success with the admin team at your school. We heard stories of them getting each other egged on and how they were getting really into it. I think you mentioned the jeans pass earlier. Do you have any advice for anybody that is trying to do something like that and wants to get admin on board specifically? Cause that makes or breaks something like that. I would say I'd credit a lot of things that I do at Bethel because of our admin are on board. In this stance our, our admin are very competitive and they actually sent an email to the staff saying, hey, if you guys win, we'll give you guys two weeks of jeans. And I had no idea. I just got the email. And I was like, wait, what? Like this is about to explode. Right. But I think the biggest thing is really, and, and before, you know, introducing the tech madness, I went to each one of them. I was like, Hey, you know, we want to compete with the other two New Richmond, Felicity, our competitors are you guys down? Like you guys, you know, I was kind of trying to rev it up. And so they were all excited. And I think the biggest thing is get your admin excited about what you're doing so that they can really. Start helping push it out. I had my K2 admin at five in the morning, Monday, when it was released. He had already done like four or five and I was like, like what? Like I'm not even up by then and he was really sending out a ton of messages to his staff like, hey I learned this, I learned this, and then the other admin like, hey, you know, use this in the classroom, use that. So having them push it out and help push it out, but also I think it's key, have them lead by example and participate. Even if it's just one, even if it's just two, if you can show that they're willing to participate, you know, push it out on the email or anything like that, I think when you lead by example, you know, these kind of, this, this kind of successful, you know, tech madness will, will happen. I was just gonna say, it's Really important to remember, like, the time of year that it happened since it is March Madness. You really have the whole year that you're kind of preparing for these type of things where you're building relationships with admin, building relationships with teachers and if you don't have those things first, then they're probably not going to participate in things that you're emailing out. So it really is like an entire year of effort of putting in so that they will trust you and kind of try new things. That's awesome. So, thinking about you know, this is year two, and it's already evolved from one district to now three districts, and Jordan, you also work with another coach, Tori, and, and she serves a couple of buildings, too. So, I know you guys are always collaborating, too, and thinking about how to get more teachers involved, but thinking about, like, this type of competition what do you think, what, what's, like, one big takeaway? What's something that you plan to like change or improve next year? I think the first thing, well, we would love to see this, like, all the coaches competing at Forward Edge. I don't know if that's a next year thing, but eventually getting everyone involved. Just so that it's districts around Cincinnati and Ohio that are just all competing. I think that would really up the stakes. So that's Ultimate dream. Just pass that basketball around, but I think it's also important to like, keep those challenges really relevant to, like Alyssa said, we changed it this year to reflect like all the AI that was happening and all those new tools that were coming out. So really making it relevant. We don't know what it's going to look like in a year. You know, maybe there'll be totally new things that we want to kind of throw in there. So Really just paying attention to what's relevant at the moment, what our teachers need at the moment and kind of finding that little niche for them. Did you talk with admin and align it with the current building goals and things like that too? Or any other would be another goal for sure. We're kind of working on that as a district to revamp that mission in general. So hopefully this year we can kind of start from the bottom up with that and make it all align a little bit more. I would love to add something in the fall. You know, I think we, you know, everybody kind of does the tech madness, but also do something like in the fall to just kind of keep the, the energy going. But also I, I know for next year, like we'll have district versus district, but I'm going to have the, the school buildings competing against each other. This year I didn't. And I kind of regret it because our principals were going at it. They, they, it is pretty much the bragging rights of who owns the basketball at their school. So I'm going to throw in, yeah, we're competing against other districts, but then we're also competing against the other buildings to kind of put a little fuel to the fire. Alyssa. I was glad to hear you say something about the fall. That's where my mind was going a little bit is Like how could a coach maybe do something earlier in the year. Right. to kind of reap some of the benefits that, that you mentioned of helping build some relationships, build that confidence earlier on in the year, even like where, where do you maybe see it plugging in earlier in the year? My mind goes to like homecoming week. That could be something where like getting the teachers to compete against each other and like against rival schools or little football, a little football theme? yeah. Yeah, I think so. Hey, let's go. Yeah, so I don't know you guys can you think of any like if you were going to do this in the fall And I don't know if you would even want to do it multiple times a year I don't know you guys can speak to that. You know how it went But where do you think you could plug it in earlier in the year? I mean, I think really the concept itself could be applied to a lot of different things. You know, it doesn't have to be March Madness, doesn't even have to be Tech Madness. But, like, I've done other things earlier in the year that have to do with what's going on then. Like, it might be something holiday related. And then that one might be more focused on, You know, getting organized before you leave for winter break. Like whatever really like teachers really need at that point. And then you can turn anything really into a game or a competition if you have some sort of incentive. So really just looking for what teachers need, what kind of seasonal things are happening at that time. And then just, like I said, getting creative on Canva. That's how I do it. Yeah, I just feel like some people really respond strongly to the competition and so i'm just thinking like How could you plug it in there a little bit sooner too? And I think you mentioned it last time during the meeting too, which was such a good point that You can take advantage of the rivalries that already exist in different schools, and that can get also really exciting and really intense fast. All right. Well, we, are we ready for the final question? I think so. All right. We always end our episode with asking for advice for our coaches, the top three tips, things that they can take away right off the bat from this episode. I'll give one. I'll let Alyssa take the last two, but I would say the most important thing for me is just to keep it as simple as possible. Like, it is like this big, fun, exciting competition and I might have done a lot of work on Canva and gotten a little crazy there, but the work that the teachers actually have to do. is simple and everything is kind of linked for them, you know, it's an easy place to find the form, an easy place to find the site that they're supposed to be going to. It's all in one place. So everything is as simple as it possibly can be, which kind of motivates them more to, you know, get started. And it doesn't give them any kind of reasons to be like, oh no, that's too hard. You know, that's, I can't even figure this out. So just to keep it as simple as possible is a great first step. Yeah, and building on that I had a lot of teachers just, you know, say how, how they, they thought it was going to be harder, but it was so simple. And so that was really cool to hear just like, you know, how enthusiastic they were to be able to actually, , do it and partake in it. So my tips, my two tips would be definitely having the admin on board, go and chat with your admin, build it up, meet with them. You know, even have them participate in the, the email pushouts. Incentives. I I can definitely credit incentives as to why it was a big success and that came from my admin. So yes, they got two weeks of jeans. And so that was huge. My second tip is you bring the energy I made a hype video. I, I only needed one shot. So I made a three pointer, only needed one shot, right? Made a three pointer and then turned around and did like a little hype video about like that, you know, tech madness was coming and showcase like what it would be about. And so just like going into coach mode, I literally went into coach mode and don't be afraid to like, Put a whistle on and a hat and walk down the halls and go, , let's go, you know, to, to be able to build that, that participation. Also maybe throw in a lunch and learn during those two weeks, or, you know, give them time to come in and chat with you so that they can actually participate if they need help. And so that was a big plus is we, we were joking that we, we had a tutoring session after school so people could get their points and participate. So don't be afraid to. You know, bring the energy, bring the hype and just have fun with it. That's what it's all about at the end of the day, just have fun with it. I love that. Yeah, I do encourage people to go look at Alyssa's social media because those hype videos are pretty good. I know, I started, I was trying not to laugh into the microphone because I think I did see the three point shot one and then they are entertaining and engaging for sure. I borrowed a jersey from the basketball coach, and he's like, well, why do you need a jersey? I was like, you'll find out. find out. I just need a jersey and a basketball. Just give me the gym. So, that was fun. I love it. That's great. I love it. All right. Thanks guys for being here. We want to give you guys a chance to maybe brag a little bit what's going on, tell our audience a little bit about how they find you on social media. So time to brag. Alyssa, what you got? What do I have? I got this gold ball right here. That's all. That's all I need. Bragging. Is that Matthaeus? Come on now. Nah, just kidding. Yeah, you guys can follow me on all the social medias at farmer fobs. Like to have a little bit of fun. So yeah, follow me there and learn a little bit about animals, learn a little bit about tech and, and have a little bit of fun. And learn how the two are related. That is right. Okay. I, that's intriguing. Jordan, your turn. You can follow me on Twitter at jordPetri, and then also encourage you to follow at edubadges on Twitter and Instagram. I feel like a lot of the thinking behind, Giving teachers ideas and then them doing and then getting points for it kind of came from that badges idea. So thanks for the inspo, EdgeU. Well, thank you both so much. I'm really glad that you shared and shout out to Michael and Tori as well, who I know were a part of this between all three districts that participated. So just loved and wanted our listeners to just hear about a fun; I don't mean to oversimplify it because I know you all did a lot of work preparing the challenges and making sure it was very streamlined for your teachers and the resources, but just seems like a light hearted, fun, engaging thing, especially for the springtime, to get teachers involved and get them trying new things, like you all said. So I'm just excited for our listeners to hear about this idea and hopefully excited to see how maybe they take and shape it and implement it on their own. So if you implement this idea in some form or fashion, please reach out to us and to Alyssa Jordan. Let them know what you did with it. It's always fun to see kind of where ideas continue to grow. So thanks so much. And to make that first step a little bit easier for you both of them have agreed to share their template for their Tech Madness. in our show notes. So you can go out and check it out. If you need a first start, a first step, then you can go ahead and get started there. Where do I find the show notes, Matthaeus? You can find our show notes anywhere where you're listening to podcasts, on the Spotify under, under Apple Music, wherever you listen to your podcast, you can find our show notes underneath them. It's going to be a quick link for you to click on there and you'll have the Canva template ready to go. Do you know how I know you don't listen to podcasts on an iPhone? Huh? Cause you called it Apple music. Oh no. Yeah, I am definitely an Android fanboy. So No, no, no shade. Wherever you listen to podcasts. Wherever you listen to podcasts. we would love to see it like changed and adapted. It would be so fun to see what people do with it. So please tag us if you do. Thanks guys again and everybody have a great day. Thank you! Bye guys. Thanks for spending time with us today. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with an educator friend. And connect with us on social media at rrcoachcast to let us know what you thought of the episode and what topics you want us to discuss next. New episodes drop every other Tuesday. Be sure to subscribe to Restart Recharge wherever you listen to podcasts. So press the restart button, recharge your coaching batteries, and leave feeling equipped and inspired to coach fearlessly with the Restart Recharge podcast, a Tech Coach Collective.

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